UNE BSN May 2022

Month: January 2021

Planning the Journey

When it comes to nursing, being able to work in a team environment is crucial. Being able to practice those skills by working as a team for this paper will benefit all of us in the long run. It will allow us to practice our skills for when it comes working as a team. I anticipate that this team project should go well because we chose a group that we know works well together. It will be easy to agree on a topic once we all do our own research and share ideas with each other. The paper will be accomplished efficiently by dividing up the work equally and helping each other if needed. We will communicate by meeting up to discuss where we are at in the project. We are going to set goals that each one of us should complete by a certain time in order to keep the paper going on the right track.

Although I do not see any of our team members being unable to do their part of the paper on time, we will have a conversation as a group if it does happen. If one of us is falling behind or not pulling our own weight, then we will talk to that person and encourage them to get their work done. We are going to have check-in points where we make sure we are all on the right track before the paper or part of the paper is due. Another barrier may be making sure the paper flows nicely since there is 5 people working on it. However, a benefit of working with this specific team is that we are all friends and able to easily communicate and be honest with each other.

Course Description and Objectives

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course explores the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings that inform nursing knowledge relevant to the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse. Emphasis is placed on use of the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preferences to improve healthcare quality.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge from the art and science of nursing, the natural/behavioral sciences and humanities to nursing education, practice and research.
  2. Utilize theoretical frameworks as a basis for nursing and interprofessional practice, research, and education.
  3. Examine the assumptions and conceptual frameworks inherent in nursing’s core values that influence the quality of health care for individuals and families.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and skill in utilizing research evidence for nursing practice.
  5. Recognize the important leadership contributions that each nurse can make to implement EBP to promote quality and safety.
  6. Explore the use of theory and evidence based knowledge to guide a systematic approach to nursing care.
  7. Analyze and evaluate selected nursing theories for translation into practice, research and nursing education.

Stigma & Mental Health

Stigmas around mental illness usually stem from a lack of awareness, education, perception, and complications of different types of mental illnesses. Depression is a mental illness that many people do not understand. You may look at a celebrity who is suffering from depression and think that they have no reason to be “sad” and that they should just snap out of it. Others may look at people with anxiety and depression and assume that they are ungrateful for what they have in life. Another mental illness that is very misunderstood is schizophrenia, and that could lead to violence in those who suffer from it because people may look at them as criminals. So, the lack of general education on each specific mental illness create stigmas. The way the world views mental illnesses would cause someone to internalize those feelings and create a self-stigma. For example, people tend to internalize depression and anxiety because of the way people view it. Since people who are uneducated view depression as something that can be controlled, the person with depression is more likely to keep it to themselves and put on a show to act what the world views as “normal.”

            A person’s culture may impact the way that they view illnesses and how they should be treated. Different cultures/ religions believe in different ways to take on any illness in general. Some believe in medicine and some do not. If you put that into consideration when talking about people who suffer from mental illness, some may have medications to make it less severe and others do not. Different cultures/ religions have expectations that people should follow, which cause them to have internalized anxiety or depression due to all of the pressure. For example, the catholic religion has a lot of “ideas” put in place on what a perfect catholic is expected to be. If a catholic person does not meet those standards, they may look at themselves as less than they are leading to mental illness. These ideas go along with how stigmas are created as well. Not everyone is able to understand mental illness as it is, especially when it is affected by cultural views.

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