As we researched topics to complete our final proposal, we were able to discover how important our topic really is. Through research, we realized how often hospital acquired infections occur when they should not. A simple mistake by anyone caring for the patient could make them acquire an infection and have their hospital stay prolonged. Our literature review did not change my assumption about the topic because I figured that we would see that hospital acquired infections happen when they should not, but I did realize how often they happen. When patients get an infection in a hospital it prolongs their stay and then they end up having to pay for their stay even though it is not their fault.
When we created our proposal, we were trying to do too much for the dissemination when we would not be able to do it because of clinical ending. At first, we were planning to do an educational session to explain the surveys and explain the posters we are putting up over the hospital, but we would not be able to do that. That is what we changed for our final, we cut down the dissemination and changed it into only putting up posters and then giving them surveys where they rate themselves on their infection control skills. We also did not include all our sources in our proposal, so we had to take out the ones that were not used. That is all we had to change, and we were able to correct that easily.
Knowing how often patients get hospital acquired infections from nurses being careless will really make me cautious every time I am in a patient’s room. I will make sure to follow all the infection control protocols and be cautious when dealing with anything that could cause an infection in my patient. Creating the poster for our dissemination project will drill these skills into my head, so I will be able to carry them with me throughout my career. We worked well as a group and did not run into any conflicts. Fortunately, we were able to create the rough draft to our proposal when we were all together at clinical, so we all got to work together and really think about the best way to go about this project. After creating our proposal, we only had to change a few things for the final and we were able to do that during class, so we were all able to talk about it and have a say on what needed to be changed. I really enjoy working with my group and we all have great communication skills, which makes working with them so much easier.
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