It is hard to prepare for when we take adaptive ATI exams because we never know what type of information we will be testing on. Because of that fact, I have tried to focus on using my critical thinking nursing skills when taking these exams. If I am confused or unaware of the content that I am being tested on, I will use other skills to decide which answer I will choose. I get nervous when taking the exam since the remediation is so time consuming. I do not want to get a lot wrong because I spend so much time on remediation. I feel as a course adjustment the remediation could be less tedious, that way I would not feel the need to rush through it. I do feel as though ATI’s will help with the NCLEX, but when we have other classes and exams it is hard for me to spend the amount of time I should on the remediation. I find myself rushing through, and that is also something I want to work on. Using my SMART goals, I will strive to take my time on the exam as well as the remediations to further my knowledge. I will know if I have attained this because of the score on my proctored and practice ATIs. If I do better on those then I will know that taking time on the remediation paid off. With each ATI adaptive assessment, I will figure out ways to make test taking easier and I will try to figure out a routine while doing remediations and find ways to split it up.