The dissemination project is going to take each member of our clinical group researching and brainstorming the topic of infection control. I anticipate that we will work together as a group to come up with ways to address the problems associated with infection control and ways, we can change that and put it into practice. We communicate through a group text along with discussing this project in person as well. We will meet in person to delegate roles and create a plan to complete the dissemination project to the best of our abilities. We will keep in communication about any research articles found and the thoughts behind each one. Our group will keep open minds and be open to any changes or challenges we face.

            Last semester, during our research project, my group and I faced complications regarding other members of the group. Some of the members were not holding up their end of the project or forgot to do their part. With that said, we lacked proper conflict management and that is something I would work on for this project. There has not been issues yet, but if there were to be issues with a team member, I have a plan for how I would approach it. I would first reach out asking what is going on and figuring out why they are not holding up their end of the project. Their answer to that question should guide a conversation in figuring out the issue, which would lead to figuring out how to fix the problem. I feel as though it is very important to come right out and address the issue with the person or else it will never be fixed.

            There have already been barriers, especially for me, regarding completing this project as a team. Although I have been in contact with my group about this project, I have yet to attend clinical. I have been facing issues with my vaccination status and in addition to that our clinical has changed to where two people must rotate out each week. This means that we will never have all 8 of us on the clinical floor at the same time. With that said, I feel as though our group will just need to keep good communication and keep everyone in the loop. We should find times to meet outside of clinical and class to discuss further how this project is going to go. Communication is going to be very important for this project, especially since we do not all know each other very well. These are skills that will be important to take throughout practice as well. We are not going to know and be comfortable around everyone we work with, and with that we need to find ways to communicate effectively.  I feel as though our clinical group will work well together in completing this project with effective communication and hard work.