UNE BSN May 2022

Category: EBP II Posts

Presenting Change

We did a lot of research, so disseminating the findings on our project was not as hard as I thought it would be. We wrote everything out and basically just transformed it into a poster. Infection control in a hospital is not a difficult topic considering the things you as a health care worker could do to prevent the spread of infection are tasks everyone should be doing every day. When we realized the simple steps a health care worker needs to take in order to prevent the spread of infection through our research, disseminating our findings and creating an infographic was not all too challenging. We have yet to hear back on how the nurses on MS3 responded to our infographics and survey, but we did receive feedback from our clinical instructor.

Our clinical instructor agrees that infection control is very important in a hospital setting. She made a point to say that it is nice only having to wash your hands for 20 seconds instead of singing the “happy birthday” song to get it right, since that was the old recommendation. Under the “what are we preventing” section of our infographic, we put “C. diff” and she also thinks it would be beneficial if we were to have put C. Difficile. She also suggested that under hospital acquired infections, skin and wound infections could also be hospital acquired. Other than those critiques she really enjoyed our project and seeing what it has turned into. She also said she is teaching a clinical group there in the spring as well so she can see if it has made an impact!

Through this team project I learned how to work in a larger group of people that we had just recently met aside from the importance of infection control! Coming into an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar people as a new nurse is bound to happen. Taking these skills we have learned through working with our group into the nursing world, will be very beneficial. As a group we found an issue that needed to be addressed (infection control), we researched it, and created a poster on how to improve it. The final dissemination project will be hung up on MS3 at SMHC and we did all this while being nursing students. Doing all this as a student gave me the confidence of being able to contribute to quality improvement and evidence-based practice initiatives as I enter the workforce as a new nurse. If my clinical group was on a floor for a couple weeks before choosing something to work on, I feel confident that I could make the floor I work on every day better.

As a team member, I faced obstacles at the beginning of this project. I was unable to attend the first 3 clinicals. That is when we were supposed to be figuring out what we were going to do our project on and building connections on the floor. It was difficult at first being on the outside of what was going on, however I realized that I could still do just as much. We discussed doing our project on infection control and I realized that just because I wasn’t at clinical those first 3 days does not mean I can’t do as much as them. Once I realized that I was able to build the confidence to get things moving on our project. Through this process I realized that if a due date was approaching, we have yet to discuss it, I would be one to reach out and take the lead on what we need to get done. I have realized I can be a leader, while also being part of the team.

Proposing Change

     As we researched topics to complete our final proposal, we were able to discover how important our topic really is. Through research, we realized how often hospital acquired infections occur when they should not. A simple mistake by anyone caring for the patient could make them acquire an infection and have their hospital stay prolonged. Our literature review did not change my assumption about the topic because I figured that we would see that hospital acquired infections happen when they should not, but I did realize how often they happen. When patients get an infection in a hospital it prolongs their stay and then they end up having to pay for their stay even though it is not their fault.

When we created our proposal, we were trying to do too much for the dissemination when we would not be able to do it because of clinical ending. At first, we were planning to do an educational session to explain the surveys and explain the posters we are putting up over the hospital, but we would not be able to do that. That is what we changed for our final, we cut down the dissemination and changed it into only putting up posters and then giving them surveys where they rate themselves on their infection control skills. We also did not include all our sources in our proposal, so we had to take out the ones that were not used. That is all we had to change, and we were able to correct that easily.

            Knowing how often patients get hospital acquired infections from nurses being careless will really make me cautious every time I am in a patient’s room. I will make sure to follow all the infection control protocols and be cautious when dealing with anything that could cause an infection in my patient. Creating the poster for our dissemination project will drill these skills into my head, so I will be able to carry them with me throughout my career. We worked well as a group and did not run into any conflicts. Fortunately, we were able to create the rough draft to our proposal when we were all together at clinical, so we all got to work together and really think about the best way to go about this project. After creating our proposal, we only had to change a few things for the final and we were able to do that during class, so we were all able to talk about it and have a say on what needed to be changed. I really enjoy working with my group and we all have great communication skills, which makes working with them so much easier.


Planning Change

            Throughout this project we have worked as a team to figure out how we are going to go about go about the dissemination of the final project. When we were creating our final proposal, we really tried to plan it out so it would be easy to create when it came time for it. We communicate through a group chat and everyone is very good at answering and staying on top of everything. I would say that we have all put in an equal amount of work into this project, and it has been a really great experience. I think everyone will do their part when it comes time for the dissemination project final, but if someone doesn’t then we would hold each other accountable through our group chat. If there ever was a conflict where someone was not putting in enough effort or doing their part, we would communicate and hold them accountable. We would talk it through and find out what’s going on and why they are not doing their part in the project. We would then figure out a way to resolve it and hopefully help get the work done.

            A benefit we have for completing this project as a team is that we are all very good at communicating and have learned how to work well with each other especially being in the same clinical group. I feel like finishing this project will go smoothly because of how well we work together. A barrier would be that we all are going to have different schedules and may not be able to meet in person to complete it. We will have to really talk it through and figure out who is going to do what for the project to be done smoothly and well. Communication is something that is very important in nursing and a skill that we will need even outside of nursing. By completing this project while having different schedules is going to take a lot of communicating. Having this experience will further our communication skills and that is something we can carry into our nursing careers.


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