UNE BSN May 2022

Category: Goal-setting

Preparation for Licensure (ATI Comp Predictor Proctored) 

For this ATI exam, I looked over my remediation and the questions asked in the practice Comp ATI A and B. I made sure that before taking the test I did not keep answering practice questions because I knew that would burn me out before even beginning the test. I am glad that I did that because although it was hard toward the end, I was able to focus on the exam that took me just under 2 hours. I am proud of how I stayed focused while taking the exam because that had been something I was working toward with all the ATI’s I have taken. While doing remediations for this exam, I did notice categories that I needed to remediate on that I have already done in practice exams or topics that I should know in general. I was disappointed to see some of the categories that I needed to remediate on, but I also do not recall the specific questions so content may have just slipped my mind.

            This was our last big ATI before taking the NCLEX, and I feel that throughout this semester and even with this one comp exam I gained more confidence that I will pass the NCLEX. Finishing the test after 2 hours and being able to see a 97% chance of passing on the first try was an amazing feeling because I was worried with that I was going to get during the whole exam. Those feelings will reflect on my goals for taking the NCLEX. I want to be able to remain confident for the duration of the exam, even if I am unsure of answers. Freaking out and over thinking will lead to getting answers wrong, and that has been something I have been working on and something I want to continue to work on. Overall, this class and all of the ATI’s this semester have taught me about my test taking abilities and has allowed me to figure out what works and what does not work when preparing to take tests.

Preparation for Licensure and Transition to Professional Practice

Looking back on my individual performance profiles for each ATI I took and looking over the preparation for licensure eportfolio posts, I realize that I have improved in my test taking abilities. I have set goals throughout this experience to make sure I keep my focus, to read each question thoroughly, and to prepare for any proctored ATI exams by looking over practice questions the week before. I noticed that I did work to achieve those goals, however I started to burn out toward the end because when we have a lot of ATIs at once, my mind has trouble staying focused throughout. I know that I will take all the goals I have set throughout the semester and apply them to our final ATI exams of the semester.

When it comes to remediation and looking over content gaps that I missed, I feel as though I improved on this. I improved by being able to know what information to look up when I am remediating. I figured out what key points I should be including to help me on my next ATI exams. It also made me realize if there were any content gaps that were consistent throughout multiple ATI exams, and I found that there were at times. That made me realize that I need to focus more when remediating on those topics or look at different information when writing my three points.

With self-care during the ATI exams, I would sit down and complete the whole exam and then feel burnt out by the end. I figured that taking breaks during the exam would help keep my focus, but I have learned that it takes my focus away. When I take breaks, I get pulled out of the groove and I will end up taking too many breaks. I am glad that I learned that through taking practice ATIs. When I am about to take an exam, I will sit in a quiet area and put all my focus into the test for as long as I can. I also would plan ahead and pick a day and time that I would take the ATI in order to mentally prepare for that. For example, the ATI comp practices are very long, so I made sure to plan ahead and pick a time where I would have focus throughout all 150 questions.

As tedious as the ATI remediations and eportfolios can be, I learned a lot from completing them and really being able to reflect back on my performance when taking exams. The NCLEX is a big exam that we have to take to get our license, so being able to better understand yourself as a test taker prior to taking that exam is very helpful. I will use what I learn when I am practicing for taking the NCLEX to make sure I get all of the information I need to succeed.

Preparation for Licensure (ATI Comp Predictor Practice B) 

Overall, I feel as though this exam did not go as well as when I took ATI Comp practice A. I was losing focus more and it took me longer to complete because I kept pausing the test which did not work out in my favor. However, I realized that taking more breaks made me lose my focus, so that is something I will not do again. Another thing I realized while doing my remediations is that some of the questions I got wrong were like the ones I got wrong for practice A. This was frustrating for me and made me realize I must pay more attention while I do my remediations, so I do not repeat mistakes. I am glad that I made these mistakes between the two exams because I have learned from them, and I know what not to do now. My goals moving forward would be to put all my focus into my remediations, be able to stay focused during my exam, and doing practice questions before the proctored exam. The more practice questions I do, the more I should be able to learn about all the possible questions that could be on the exam. My goals should be reflected in the grade I get on the proctored comp exam.

Preparation for Licensure (ATI Comp Predictor Practice A)

When I first started taking the exam, I was surprised that it was 150 questions, so I was not prepared to sit there and take it for that long. However, I did try my best on the exam which ended up working out. Since no one was home in my apartment, I was able to gather my focus and take the exam. I knew I would have to be able to focus the whole time since we have a proctored comp exam coming up, so I tried very hard. There were some questions that I got wrong that I felt as though I should not have, so preparing for the comp final I will make sure that I do practice questions and go over all of the topics I have missed. Reflecting on my SMART goals, I have improved on staying focused during exams and using my crucial thinking skills. Reflecting on my pharmacology proctored ATI, I will continue to go over practice questions in order to do well on the proctored exam.

Preparation for Licensure (ATI Peds CAT) 

            This exam went well since we are currently taking our pediatric class. I tried to really focus on each question and think critically about the answers. However, there were some questions that I could have gotten right but did not think deeply enough about it. That is something I need to improve for future ATI exams. I want to be able to give each question my full focus and thought when answering it, so I do not make any silly mistakes like I have this time. I also need to make sure to take these exams in an environment that will not cause me any distractions because that will stimulate the environment we have while taking any proctored ATI exams. When it comes to my smart goals, I just want to continue to give my full focus to all the questions to make sure there were no questions that I got wrong that I could have got right. I should be able to measure this when going over the questions I got wrong and know that there was a reason I got it wrong other than making a silly mistake or not thinking fully about all of the answers.

Preparation for Licensure (ATI Pharm Practice B)

            The experience of taking the ATI pharm practice B was similar to me taking practice A. Even though my grade was lower on practice B, I still had the extra practice before taking it. It helped me understand how to choose the best answers for each question, but I was still not sure on some. Again, I felt I was able to keep my focus due to the fact it was only 60 questions and based on my SMART goal from the practice A reflection. I still wish I knew more information about medications, and with that I will make sure to study more for the proctored assessment. As a SMART goal I will work on practice pharm exams the week leading up to taking the proctored pharm assessment. It will be measured based on how much studying I do and making sure I do it every day. This should reflect through my grade after taking the ATI pharm proctored exam. Although I feel I am able to keep my focus on ATIs with 60 questions, I do need to continue to work on that and be prepared to take an exam that is longer and keep my focus for it.

Preparation for Licensure ATI Maternity CAT

Out of all the ATI CAT exams I have taken so far this semester, I feel as though this one went the best for me mentally. It was helpful that I am currently in the class, so it allowed me to think back on what we have learned. I feel most confident with maternity information than the other subjects, however there were still some questions that I had to guess and use my best judgement on. Throughout the ATI exams I have taken, I have been trying to improve on keeping my focus and using my critical thinking skills for questions I am unsure of. My SMART goal from the last exam was to be able to identify when I need to take a step back and regain focus before I continued with the exam. I feel that I am improving on that, however there are times where I should have taken a break even if it was for a few minutes or to get up and stretch. I am getting better at recognizing when I need a break and when I am losing focus, I just felt motivated to get this exam done. I need to improve on figuring out when the best time to take the exam is, so I would be able to take it with no distractions or having to stop. I want to try to take the test as if I were taking the NCLEX with no distractions at all.

Regarding SMART goals for my next assessment, I want to be able to figure out the best time to take the exam, so it can mimic the NCLEX. I will measure this by looking back on my experience taking the test once it is completed. I would figure out if I took it in the right place and at a time where I am able to put 100% of my focus in. This seems like a reasonable goal, and I will implement this in the next exam that I take. I am hoping that acting like I am taking an NCLEX exam will motivate me to do my best.

Preparation for Licensure (ATI Pharmacology CAT)

            I was nervous to take this ATI adaptive exam because there are so many medications and we had taken pharmacology so long ago. I was surprised to see how many medications that I remembered and recognized. Even though I may have recognized some drugs, it did not mean that I knew the correct information needed in order to answer the question. I need to work on looking over medications and the information that goes along with each one. When thinking about the medications I find myself getting overwhelmed due to all the information but based on the questions asked I feel as though I should focus on any big take aways from each medication. For example, some medications have major side effects, and some have major contraindications or react with a certain drug. These are the topics I will try to focus on when studying drugs. I also feel as though my preceptor experience has increased my knowledge on medications, as I found myself recognizing them from knowledge obtained in the hospital setting. I started to lose focus during the end of the exam, so for the next test I take I will make sure to take a break if I am losing focus.

            Regarding SMART goals for my next assessment, I want to accomplish taking the full assessment with 100% of my focus, so that I know that my grade is the best I could get. I will measure this by how I did on the assessment along with how I feel afterwards. I can accomplish this goal by recognizing that I am not able to put 100% of my attention into answering these questions in order to realize I need to take a step back and reset. This seems like a simple and achievable goal, and I would like to be able to do this for my next assessment.

Prepare for Transition!

After being in school for many years with the goal of graduating college with a degree, I am VERY excited to graduate, get my nursing license, and finally start my nursing career. I am most excited about the feeling I will get when I complete my last assignment/ exam for school. Turning in the last assignment or exam will feel like a million pounds lifted off my shoulders. Another thing I am excited about is passing the NCLEX. Passing the NCLEX will be a very big accomplishment and will feel amazing, but it will also make me anxious as well. As of now I am most anxious about finding a job that I love. I understand that there is a nursing shortage and that I will get a job, but whether I like it or like the area I am in is something that I will not know until I start. I am also excited about graduation and the pinning ceremony, and I am glad that I will be ablet to have my family there to see my accomplishment. I will celebrate with my family and my roommates afterwards, and that is something I am looking forward to as well.

            When it comes to preparing and planning my weekly study to stay focused and on track, I will use the SMART goals. With all the assignments we have this semester, I will need to be setting goals for each week or writing down what is due each day of that specific week. For the most part my goals will be what needs to be done for that week and I will make that measurable because I will be able to cross off what I have completed. It will be achieved when I submit them and get a grade and it is time based because that is within the week.

            The ATI Nurse Logic 2.0 modules will help me gain and improve my nursing knowledge and how I think as a nurse. It helps with what we should be doing to prepare, like creating a schedule and good ways to study. I will use those lessons on how I approach the ATI assessments as well as the NCLEX-RN exam.

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